


Intro to G Suite » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Janine Ko, 11/04/2019 06:08 PM) → Revision 5/7 (Janine Ko, 11/04/2019 06:24 PM)

h1. Introduction to G Suite - Borealis 


 Welcome to G Suite! We've created a Google account for you, which includes a suite of different tools including:  
 * Gmail 
 * Calendar 
 * Google Drive  

 Borealis now owns and manages all accounts that end with  

 h2. Gmail 

 Your email can be accessed here: 

 Google has created a "pretty comprehensive guide": to Gmail's web functionality. We'll be walking through these parts in the webinar.  

 * Create and send email: 
 * Organizing your inbox: 

 Google also has a "guide to its web interface that is specific to former Outlook users.": that you can consult if you're looking to replicate certain Outlook functionality in the web interface.  

 h3. Using Outlook for Mac with Gmail 

 You can also choose to continue using Outlook for Mac as a desktop email client with Gmail, though some functionality may work a little differently. To do this, open up the Outlook for Mac app.  

 # Select Outlook > Preferences > Accounts. 
 # Click the plus (+) sign > New Account. 
 # Type your email address > Continue. 


 h2. Google Calendar 

 Your calendars can be accessed here: 

 Google's made "this comprehensive guide": to Calendars. We'll be walking through these parts in the webinar.  

 * Schedule events: 
 * Share and view calendars: 

 There are "some differences": between Outlook and Google Calendars.  

 h2. Google Drive  

 You can access your Google Drive here: 

 Google's "guide to Google Drive is here.": We'll be walking through these parts of it in the webinar.  
 * Creating and editing files: 
 * Sharing files and folders, transferring ownership: 
 * Uploading files: 

 h3. Setting up Google Drive Filestream 
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