


Installing Drush for working with Drupal 6-8 and Backdrop » History » Version 44

Jack Aponte, 06/13/2019 06:38 PM
important corrections to drush installation commands

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{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}}
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h1. Installing Drush for working with Drupal 6-8 and Backdrop
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An important note: we no longer need to install any version of Drush except Drush 8, since that now supports "Drupal 6, 7, <8.3 _and_ Backdrop.":
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h2. Installing and updating Drush 8 for all users
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I've followed the "Install a global Drush via Composer" instructions under in the "Drush 8 alternative installation documentation.":
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Since running @composer install@ as root is a "security risk":, you can use commands like these to install Drush in your home directory first, then move it to a globally-accessible location using @sudo@:
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cd ~
COMPOSER_HOME=$HOME/drush COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR=$HOME/drush/8 composer require drush/drush:8.2.3
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cd ~/drush/8/drush/drush
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composer install
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sudo mv ~/drush /opt/
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sudo ln -s /opt/drush/8/drush/drush/drush /usr/local/bin/drush
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If you _must_ run @composer install@ and the other commands above as root, e.g. if that's the only user we have access to on the server, you can do so by changing the @COMPOSER_HOME@ and @COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR@ paths to @/opt/drush@ and @/opt/drush/8@, respectively.
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Replace "8.2.3" (last updated in this documentation on 5/28/19) with the tag of the most recent stable 8.x release (see
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Use the same commands with a new version number to update Drush as needed.
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h2. Install Drush on May First/People Link (MFPL) and other shared hosting environments
Primarily drawn from "this MFPL ticket;": thanks Ivan!
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First, install Composer following "these instructions":
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Then to install Drush:
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
cd ~/<>/bin
42 40 Jack Aponte
php composer.phar global require drush/drush:8.2.3
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which drush
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Note that sometimes @cgi-bin@ is present on MF/PL sites instead of @bin@.
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If using Drush aliases, you may need to specify the new Drush installation in the shared @aliases.drushrc.php@ file or a local aliases file. Here's an example:
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$aliases['organization'] = array(
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  'remote-host' => '',
  'remote-user' => 'organization',
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  'root' => '/home/members/organization/sites/',
  'uri' => '',
  'path-aliases' => array(
    '%drush-script' => '/home/members/organization/sites/',
58 21 Jack Aponte
    '%dump-dir' => '~/drush-backups',
59 19 Jack Aponte
    '%files' => '/home/members/organization/sites/',),
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h2. Install and update Drush Backdrop commands
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In order for Drush to work with Backdrop, you must install the "Drush Backdrop commands": within the Drush 8 installation itself.
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Assuming that Drush 8 is installed in @/opt/drush/8/drush/drush@, as specified above:
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sudo git clone /opt/drush/8/drush/drush/commands/backdrop
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To update Drush Backdrop commands later, run @git pull origin@ from within the @drush/commands/backdrop@ directory.
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