


Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix » History » Version 29

Jack Aponte, 05/19/2016 09:15 PM
radix update

1 12 Jack Aponte
h1. Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix
2 1 Jack Aponte
{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}}
5 2 Jack Aponte
This table is a list of Drupal 7 modules that Palante commonly uses in building client sites, accompanied by their current status in Drupal 8 and "Backdrop":
6 1 Jack Aponte
7 16 Jack Aponte
Also check out "this list of the status for the top 100 contrib modules for Drupal 8":
9 1 Jack Aponte
|_.Module|_.Backdrop status|_.Backdrop version|_.D8 status|_.D8 version|
11 22 Jack Aponte
12 10 Jack Aponte
13 1 Jack Aponte
14 25 Jack Aponte
|auto_entitylabel|"pre-release":|full|"in progress":|dev|
15 1 Jack Aponte
|auto_nodetitle|ported|full|"in progress":|none|
|backup_migrate|ported|full|"in progress":|dev|
17 10 Jack Aponte
|better_formats|ported|full|"in progress":|dev|
18 1 Jack Aponte
19 18 Jack Aponte
|calendar|"in progress":|dev|"in progress":|dev|
20 28 Jack Aponte
|civicrm|"in progress":|beta|"in progress":|beta|
21 10 Jack Aponte
22 1 Jack Aponte
23 11 Jack Aponte
|comment_notify|ported|full|"in progress":|dev|
24 25 Jack Aponte
|ctools|core|n/a|"core & in progress*":|dev|
25 1 Jack Aponte
27 19 Jack Aponte
28 25 Jack Aponte
|entity|core|n/a|core & in progress|alpha|
31 1 Jack Aponte
32 24 Jack Aponte
|i18n|"in progress":|dev|"core":|n/a|
33 11 Jack Aponte
34 25 Jack Aponte
35 1 Jack Aponte
36 11 Jack Aponte
37 1 Jack Aponte
38 10 Jack Aponte
|libraries|ported|full|"in progress":|dev|
39 1 Jack Aponte
42 25 Jack Aponte
43 11 Jack Aponte
44 1 Jack Aponte
46 11 Jack Aponte
|og|unported|n/a|"in progress":|none|
47 23 Jack Aponte
48 11 Jack Aponte
|panels|core (layouts)|n/a|"pre-release":|beta|
51 1 Jack Aponte
52 25 Jack Aponte
53 29 Jack Aponte
|radix_layouts|"in progress*":|dev|"pre-release":|rc|
54 25 Jack Aponte
55 1 Jack Aponte
|responsive_menus|ported|full|"in progress":|none|
56 28 Jack Aponte
|rules|"in progress":|dev|"pre-release":|alpha|
57 19 Jack Aponte
58 11 Jack Aponte
60 1 Jack Aponte
61 26 Jack Aponte
|stage_file_proxy|unported|n/a|"in progress":|dev|
62 25 Jack Aponte
63 19 Jack Aponte
64 28 Jack Aponte
|token|"in progress":|dev|"pre-release":|alpha|
65 1 Jack Aponte
67 25 Jack Aponte
|views_bulk_operations*|unported|n/a|"in progress":|none|
68 1 Jack Aponte
|webform|ported|full|"in progress*":|none|
69 25 Jack Aponte
70 11 Jack Aponte
72 1 Jack Aponte
74 25 Jack Aponte
* *ctools* and *entity* are mostly in core in D8.
76 4 Jack Aponte
* *messaging* and *notifications* - "D8 alternative available":, Courier in beta for D8
77 27 Jack Aponte
* *imce_filefield* - support for file fields might now be "built into IMCE itself?": -Definitely working in Backdrop already!- (If it was working in Backdrop at some point, it isn't anymore!)
78 1 Jack Aponte
* *metatag* - "Backdrop alternative available":, Base Meta Tags, full release
79 29 Jack Aponte
* *radix_layouts* - a number of Radix/Bootstrap layouts are now "included in Backdrop core": as of v1.4.
80 19 Jack Aponte
* *spamspan* - "Invisimail": is a probable Backdrop alternative.
81 28 Jack Aponte
* *views_bulk_operations* - Some, but not all, user and content bulk operations seem to be in core in both Backdrop and D8. The D8 contrib module says it fills in missing functionality.
82 11 Jack Aponte
* *webform* - There's some "preliminary code out there":, but it looks like no one has really shown up to claim responsibility for the project. See "this issue": for more.
83 4 Jack Aponte
* *wysiwyg_mediaembed* - possible Backdrop alternatives include "YouTube Field":, "Video Filter": and "Video Embed Field":
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