



Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix » History » Revision 26

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Jack Aponte, 05/05/2016 08:04 PM
added stage_file_proxy

Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix

Updated almost 9 years ago by Jack Aponte

This table is a list of Drupal 7 modules that Palante commonly uses in building client sites, accompanied by their current status in Drupal 8 and Backdrop.

Also check out this list of the status for the top 100 contrib modules for Drupal 8.

Module Backdrop status Backdrop version D8 status D8 version
adaptivetheme unported unported pre-release dev
addanother ported full unported none
admin_views core n/a core n/a
auto_entitylabel pre-release full in progress dev
auto_nodetitle ported full in progress none
backup_migrate ported full in progress dev
better_formats ported full in progress dev
breakpoints unported n/a core n/a
calendar in progress dev in progress dev
civicrm in progress beta in progress beta
ckeditor_link unported n/a unported none
coffee ported full pre-release beta
comment_notify ported full in progress dev
ctools core n/a core & in progress* dev
date core n/a core n/a
devel ported full pre-release dev
diff unported none pre-release alpha
entity core n/a core & in progress alpha
features unported none pre-release beta
google_analytics ported full ported full
honeypot ported full ported full
i18n in progress dev core n/a
imagefield_crop unported none unported none
imce ported full ported full
imce_filefield unported* none unported* none
imce_mkdir unported none unported n/a
imce_wysiwyg core n/a unported n/a
libraries ported full in progress dev
login_destination ported full unported n/a
logintoboggan ported full unported n/a
messaging unported none unported* none
metatag unported* none pre-release beta
nagios unported none pre-release dev
navbar core n/a core n/a
notifications unported n/a unported* none
og unported n/a in progress none
omega unported unported pre-release alpha
pathauto core full pre-release alpha
panels core (layouts) n/a pre-release beta
panels_breadcrumbs unported none unported none
picture unported none core n/a
piwik unported n/a ported full
radix_layouts ported dev pre-release rc
redirect ported full pre-release alpha
responsive_menus ported full in progress none
rules ported dev pre-release alpha
search404 ported full pre-release alpha
service_links unported n/a unported none
sharethis ported full pre-release beta
spamspan unported* none pre-release dev
stage_file_proxy unported n/a in progress dev
strongarm core n/a core n/a
styleguide ported dev unported n/a
token ported dev pre-release alpha
total_control unported none unported none
views core n/a core n/a
views_bulk_operations* unported n/a in progress none
webform ported full in progress* none
webform_civicrm unported none planned none
wysiwyg core n/a core n/a
wysiwyg_mediaembed unported* none unported none


Updated by Jack Aponte almost 9 years ago · 26 revisions

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