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Jon Goldberg, 10/01/2013 05:14 PM

Conflict Resolution Sheet template

This Conflict Resolution Sheet is based upon work of AORTA and The Icarus Project. Our collective is going to start using this as a tool to help us deal with conflicts and have better communication. Each member fills out this sheet, and we store that information in our online documentation, enabling us to start conversations about difficult issues in ways that work better for us as individuals.

Some good ways to communicate with me about a conflict include:

Chatting is best when possible. I appreciate knowing at the very beginning of a conversation whether an issue is a big or small one. I also really value short conversations that move the issue forward - the longer a conversation is and the more it seems to be going in circles, the more frustrated I usually get.

Some bad ways to communicate with me about a conflict include:

Not being passive-aggressive or otherwise being hurtful any more than is implicit in a situation.

Some ways that I behave when I am having trouble with conflict include:

Being hyperlogical, getting caught up in minutiae - though to be real, these are true all the time.

When I am having trouble with conflict some positive things that I can do for myself include:

If I'm upset, I usually need to just let time pass to let the emotions clear up - playing games that are both mindless and need attention (e.g. Tetris) are good for this. If I'm not upset, I will probably try to work through as much of whatever the issue is all at once.

When other people notice me having trouble with conflict, some positive things that they can do to support me include:

Ask me what would help to move the issue forward.

Ways in which I am good at supporting others in dealing with a conflict include:

(ex. phone calls, taking a walk, talking someone down)

Updated by Jon Goldberg over 11 years ago · 8 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT

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