




Webmin is the web interface for folks to handle day-to-day server tasks without calling Palante Tech for assistance. You typically access Webmin by opening a web browser and going to https://localhost:10000. That link will only work while inside the office!

Creating a new user

From there:
  • From the main menu on the left, select "System", then "Users and Groups".
  • Click "Create a new user" at the top.
  • Fill in the following fields: Username, Real Name, shell (select "/bin/false"), Password (select "Normal Password", enter a password), Primary group (select "new group with same name as user", and Secondary group (add to "office"). Leave everything else set to the defaults.
  • Click "Create"!

Updated by Jon Goldberg about 12 years ago · 1 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT

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