


Maintenance plan changelog » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Jon Goldberg, 02/10/2015 06:14 PM) → Revision 4/23 (Jon Goldberg, 02/10/2015 06:50 PM)

{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} 

 h1. Maintenance plan changelog 

 * v1.1, 1/29/15: Combined CiviCRM and Drupal maintenance contracts into a single document.    Added "Amendments" clause, establishing the availability of a legally binding updated version of the contract online and the establishment of this changelog. 
 * v1.2, 2/9/15: 1.d: Corrected reference to paragraph 1.d to 1.c; Paragraph 4: Added reference to Wordpress; Paragraph 16.a: 13.1: Updated to indicate to only include services relevant to the specific contract.
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