


How to set up Microsoft 365 » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Jessie Lee, 10/10/2014 10:12 AM) → Revision 9/15 (Jon Goldberg, 10/10/2014 11:11 AM)

Last updated by {{lastupdated_by}}    {{lastupdated_at}} 


 h1. Microsoft 365 Migration Information 

 h2. Outlook webmail 

 * The new login site is 

 * Enter username and password 

 * For webmail press the outlook button. 


 h2. Mobile Devices 

 h3. Android devices  

 * **Note: different phone makers may have slightly different procedures** 
 * *Go to settings* 
 * *Go down to accounts* 


 * *Press add account* 


 * *Press exchange or corporate or MAPI (phones may vary)* 


 * *Press exchange on next screen* 


 * *Enter username and password, press next* 


 * *Change server field to* 


 * *Allow remote security administration* 


 * *Change notification and alert settings as desired*  

 h3. ios devices (iPhone/iPad) 

 * Go to Settings 

 * Select *Mail, Contacts, Calendars* 


 * Press *Add Account* 


 * Choose *Exchange* 

 * Enter username and password and a name for the account (user choice) 

 * Hit Next 


 * If you want Calendars and Contacts synced with this device make sure to select those.  

 h3. Blackberry 10 

 * On the homescreen select *Settings* 

 * On the system settings menu select *Accounts* and *Add New Account* 

 * Type in Email, click next, do same for password 

 * This should add your account automatically 

 h2. Desktop 

 h3. Outlook 2007 

 * On the menu bar click *Tools* 
 * Select *Account Settings* on the dropdown menu 
 * Highlight old account and click *remove* 
 * Follow prompts. 
 * Click Add Email 
 * Fill in username and password 
 * account should be added 
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