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Joseph Lacey, 12/17/2013 12:17 PM
Fundraising Reports¶
From #597
- How many people were asked (invited)
- Asked to Donate? This would mean that those phone calls, meetings, etc. (activities) are being specifically tracked. which isn't always the case. But if a major donor activity or tag added to an activity were used to isolate these, we could get this number.
- How many people made a gift (& what percent is that of those who were asked)
- Donor Report (Summary) grouped by Contact ID
- Determining whether they had a certain activity or were members of a particular group to get the percentage is tricky though. This one needs a little more thought.
- How much money was raised (gross & net)
- Donor Report (Summary)
- What was the range of gifts (lowest – highest)
- We could add these to the statistics section at the bottom of the Donor Report (Summary)
- How many people were involved in asking (& who – board members, other members, donors)
- This is an activity search of internal staff as the source on related activities, connected to 1 above.
- This could also be related to Soft Credits.
- How many gifts were from first-time donors
- Perhaps adding a donation ordinality to the statistics section at the bottom of the report. See more below.
- What was the average gift/median gift
- Donor Report (Summary) gives this per row and at the bottom of the report, across the total donation result set in the statistics section.
- How many people made a donation in whatever time period you want to look at
- Donor Report (Summary) - Group By column set to Contribution Date
- How much money was raised (gross & net)
- Donor Report (Summary) includes statistics at the bottom of the report totaling the amount of the given search.
- How many gifts were made (different from # of people because some people make multiple donations)
- Donor Report (Summary) - Grouping by Contact ID will give total number of donors and total number of donations in the statistics section at the bottom of the report.
- What is your retention rate, ie, of all the donors who gave in 2008, which of those people gave in 2009, expressed as a percentage (Norm is 65%)
- LYBUNT Report shows all donors who gave the year before X year but not during X year. This is just a list of those donors though; it doesn't list the percentage that these donors are of the original donors from 2008.
- Donation Summary Report (Repeat) is another possibility. This is a more abstracted version of the LYBUNT or SYBUNT report where the compared dates can be any range. Again, though no percentage representations of the difference between the two years.
- Adding a retention percentage to the bottom statistics section for either report should be fairly trivial. Perhaps both?
- How many people gave for the first time in whatever time period you designate
- Donor Report (Detail) - Select date range and set Contribution Ordinality to First by Contributor. This groups by contribution type so all records of a constituent's first record of each contribution type will be shown (unless limited in the filtering). Also note that this might include contribution types that aren't actually donations.
- How many people gave “x” amount or more in a given time period
- Donor Report (Detail) - Select date range and contribution amount to 'is greater than or equal to' x amount.
- What percent of the board gives $, and what percent is involved in fundraising
- This one is dependent on how the board members are being tracked. I assume they're in a group and can be isolated with it.
- Getting the list of donations is fairly simple with the Donor Report (Detail), but the percentage of board members isn't obviously available. It would be possible to add this to the statistics section but I think it's a question of the best implementation.
- Involvement in fundraising could be two things perhaps - Soft Credits if the board member has recruited certain donors, or it could some specific activity types around fundraising, in which case it would be an Activity Report.
- This one is dependent on how the board members are being tracked. I assume they're in a group and can be isolated with it.
- What is your conversion rate: of all the people who gave for the FIRST time in 2008, which of those people gave in 2009, expressed as a percentage (norm is 25-35%).
- This could be done by adding a Contribution Ordinality to the LYBUNT (and SYBUNT) reports where you can specify last (or second) year was also a first time donation.
- Adding this as percentage should be the same as number 11 above.
- What percentage of donors increased the size of their gift/s in one year, and by what method were they asked?
- A variation on the Donation Summary Report (Repeat) where we predefine the relationship between the Range One Amount and Range Two Amount whereby the former can be equal to any amount, blank or a specific value, and Range Two Amount is always greater than Range One Amount. The SQL for this might be we know.
- How many and what percentage of people give only on-line or only by mail
- As long as the Contribution Sources are defined correctly, the Donor Report (Summary) can be grouped by Contribution Source. The percentage isn't listed but the data is there to calculate that.
- How many people have given for 5 years (or any # of years you want to know about) or more, and who are they. This is really important information when you are ready to do something with it.
- This is a report that doesn't exist but is similar to the Donation Summary Report (Repeat), but instead of two date defined ranges, you're searching for any contribution within a frequency of years, the regularity is important not the amount (though filtering on amount should be trivial) or the relationship between the amounts from year to year.
- How many donors are also actively involved in the organization (beyond giving money)
- This sounds like an activity count search (which we can do!) on group assembled based on donor history. This does assume that the Activities are being tracked and maintained well, which I assume is the most difficult part of reporting on this data.
- Who knows who, that is, what are all the connections & relationships donors have to the organization
- This is relationship tracking. The Relationship report would be able to report on these if they're defined correctly and maintained.
Updated by Joseph Lacey about 11 years ago · 1 revisions
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