


Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (Jack Aponte, 03/17/2016 02:57 PM) → Revision 23/34 (Jack Aponte, 03/17/2016 02:59 PM)

h1. Drupal 8 and Backdrop Module Matrix 

 {{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} 

 This table is a list of Drupal 7 modules that Palante commonly uses in building client sites, accompanied by their current status in Drupal 8 and "Backdrop": 

 Also check out "this list of the status for the top 100 contrib modules for Drupal 8": 

 |_.Module|_.Backdrop status|_.Backdrop version|_.D8 status|_.D8 version| 
 |advanced_help|unported|n/a|"in progress":|dev| 
 |auto_nodetitle|ported|full|"in progress":|none| 
 |backup_migrate|ported|full|"in progress":|dev| 
 |better_formats|ported|full|"in progress":|dev| 
 |calendar|"in progress":|dev|"in progress":|dev| 
 |civicrm|"in progress":|beta|"in progress":|beta| 
 |comment_notify|ported|full|"in progress":|dev| 
 |ctools|core|n/a|"in progress":|dev| 
 |entity|core|n/a|core & contrib|alpha| 
 |libraries|ported|full|"in progress":|dev| 
 |og|unported|n/a|"in progress":|none| 
 |omega|unported|unported|"pre-release":|alpha| |omega|unported|unported|"pre-release": 
 |panels|core (layouts)|n/a|"pre-release":|beta| 
 |redirect|ported|full|"in progress":|none| 
 |responsive_menus|ported|full|"in progress":|none| 
 |webform|ported|full|"in progress*":|none| 

 * *messaging* and *notifications* - "D8 alternative available":, Courier in beta for D8 
 * *imce_filefield* - support for file fields might now be "built into IMCE itself?": Definitely working in Backdrop already! 
 * *metatag* - "Backdrop alternative available":, Base Meta Tags, full release 
 * *spamspan* - "Invisimail": is a probable Backdrop alternative. 
 * *views_bulk_operations* - Some, but not all, user and content bulk operations seem to be in core in both Backdrop and D8. The D8 module says it fills in missing functionality. 
 * *webform* - There's some "preliminary code out there":, but it looks like no one has really shown up to claim responsibility for the project. See "this issue": for more. 
 * *wysiwyg_mediaembed* - possible Backdrop alternatives include "YouTube Field":, "Video Filter": and "Video Embed Field":
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