


Debian 10 to 11 » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Jamila Khan, 12/21/2021 05:04 PM) → Revision 4/19 (Jamila Khan, 12/22/2021 04:05 PM)

{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} 


 h1. Debian 10 to 11 

 h2. Pre update check 

 h3. Stretch check 

 Check if any sources still point to stretch 

 cd /etc/apt 
 grep -nr stretch . 

 If so, bring those up to buster and run updates first 

 h3. Metapackage check 

 Check to make sure kernel metapackage is installed, not just specific kernel 

 @dpkg -l "linux-image*" | grep ^ii | grep -i meta@ should have results 
 If not, install metapackage 

 h3. Purged package check 

 List and purge removed packages with config files remaining 

 aptitude search '~c' 
 aptitude purge '~c' 

 h3. Hold check 

 These commands should have no results 

 aptitude search "~ahold"  
 dpkg --get-selections | grep 'hold$' 


 h2. Update sources list 

 Check which sources exist that point to buster 
 cd /etc/apt 
 grep -nr buster . 

 Edit the main list, and any others that come up 

 vim /etc/apt/sources.list 

 replace buster with bullseye 


 replace bullseye/updates with bullseye-security 


 h2. Upgrade the system 

 h3. Check for Necessary Disk Space 

 <pre>apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade</pre> 

 h3. Update the sources 

 apt-get update 

 h3. Minimal Upgrade 

 <pre> apt-get upgrade</pre> 

 * if it asks whether to change /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/debian-archive-jessie-security-automatic.gpg, say yes 
 * other things it asks to change, say no, keep the existing file 

 h3. Full Upgrade 

 apt-get dist-upgrade 

 h3. Upgrade MySQL databases (if MySQL/MariaDB installed) 


 h3. Check that things are up 

 * if a web server, make sure websites are up 
 * if an infrastructure server, test and make sure all parts of the infrastructure are working properly 
 * if a PTC server check the "recovery plan": entry for that server to make sure everything has recovered 

 h3. Check what packages were removed 

 * @cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep Remove@ 
 * make sure there was nothing important in there 

 h2. Common problems 

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