h1. Set up local bounce processing If you're setting up CiviMail, you'll need a bounce processing account on a system that supports subaddressing. "GMail/Google Apps works for this":http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Step-by-step+Return+Channel+on+Drupal+-+Google+Apps+-+CentOS - Exchange and Office 365 do not. So it's often desirable to set up your own server for bounce processing - it takes very little overhead, so you can run it on the same VPS that runs CiviCRM. * Create a user account: @useradd -s /dev/null -m civibounces@. * Install Postfix: @apt-get install postfix@. Select all the standard options. * Make sure your DNS A and PTR records are set up properly! You should also have an MX record, though you can get away with not having it if the domain's A record points to the server. * Install Dovecot. In theory this is unnecessary - you can specify a mailbox on localhost - but I've had less trouble with this approach. In Debian/Ubuntu: @apt-get install dovecot-imapd@. You can skip SSL since it's all over localhost. * Create a user whose name will be the e-mail address. E.g. for civi-bounces@mysite.org, @useradd -m civi-bounces -s /sbin/nologin@. Add a password to the user account. * For Debian, drop this file into /etc/dovecot/conf.d/99-mysettings.conf to configure dovecot.
protocols = imap
mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
mail_privileged_group = mail
** For CentOS this needs to be added to the mail /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf file. And "the permissions need to be changed per this":http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Errors/ChgrpNoPerm. * (Pretty sure this is NOT required on Debian 8, but maybe on other versions/distros): @chmod g+rw /var/spool/mail/*@ * Check @/etc/postfix/main.cf@ to ensure that @mydestination@ includes the domain you want to deliver mail to (e.g. "mysite.org"). * Open port 25 in your incoming firewall. ** Linode has no firewall. ** Amazon EC2 can be configured in the AWS Console. ** Blackmesh managed servers have firewall that you need to submit a ticket to to open ports. * You should now be able to use this account for IMAP! Punch a temporary hole in your firewall at port 143 to access it from outside and connect Thunderbird to the account. Send a test message, of course. * Configure the Bounce Processing account in CiviCRM as you would any other IMAP-based account.