h1. Resending lost messages to Redmine When Redmine goes down, emails sent to Redmine don't get automatically resent. Messages sent to @tickets@palantetech.coop@ are both redirected to @tickets@maple.palantetech.coop@, but also a copy is kept on the albizu server for 30 days. To resend messages that never made it to maple, one must connect to albizu. h3. Using Thunderbird (easiest): Set up an IMAP account for tickets@palantetech.coop. SMTP/IMAP server is @mail.mayfirst.org@. Username is "tickets", password is either in creds, or reset it from the MFPL control panel. You must have the "Mail Redirect":https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/mailredirect/ extension installed. Select the messages you want to resend in the mailbox, click "Redirect", and enter the e-mail address of "tickets@maple.palantetech.coop". h3. Using mutt mutt doesn't require any setup, but can only redirect one message at a time. In theory you could speed this along by making a macro in muttrc, but that's beyond what we need IMO.
ssh tickets@albizu.mayfirst.org
:set sort = reverse-date-received
1 #go to first message
b #for "bounce", aka redirect