h1. Owncloud Office Share h2. Madre * Go to * at first you will see a variation of this prompt: !http://i.imgur.com/kaNVSY9.png! * for chrome click advanced * next click proceed to !http://i.imgur.com/lEYN0QX.png! Firefox: * click I understand the Risks: !http://i.imgur.com/d2gYqCX.png! * click add exception !http://i.imgur.com/Uqu43tF.png! * click confirm security exception on pop up: !http://i.imgur.com/6ii7QhM.png! h3. Owncloud main screen * enter regular computer login: !http://i.imgur.com/HonXiFG.png! * the following folders should be available: !http://i.imgur.com/GwqMji8l.png! * To upload, press the upload button in the folder you wish to place the document: !http://i.imgur.com/w1CLZVx.png! h2. Desktop Client Setup * download the client from https://owncloud.org/install/#install-clients !https://i.imgur.com/soi2q7c.png! * Install onto your computer. !http://imgur.com/XTQjmp5.png! !http://imgur.com/2JeS659.png! * start owncloud and you should be presented with a new connection wizard !http://imgur.com/rF5VZmi.png! * type in into the box. !http://imgur.com/rF5VZmi.png! * on the pop up click Trust this Certificate anyway !http://imgur.com/XPi4U6U.png! * Input your network login credentials !http://imgur.com/2dxbUpJ.png! * click choose what to sync !http://imgur.com/20w7ci6.png! * Add folders that you will be working with !http://imgur.com/9SSNpw5.png! * After pressing connect the client will start making a local copy of those checked folders. Changes made will be synced with the server. THIS INCLUDES DELETION.