Updated over 8 years ago by Jessie Lee


Owncloud has issues with .DS_Store files. At first I thought it was a Dropbox <-> Owncloud error, but then I turned off my Dropbox and was still getting the error. We need to figure out a way to have Owncloud exclude syncing .DS_Store files, or else it will generate a bunch of them. I don't know why it is doing so, but I have figured out how to delete them all:

Run this in the top of the Owncloud directory.

find ./ -type f -name ".DS_Stor*" -exec rm {} \;

Owncloud Installation

Owncloud 8.1 on Debian 7 with Apache

Database setup (mySQL)

Enabling Samba external users

Samba External Storage

owncloud + nginx

Performance tweaks

*coming soon: enabling apc (or apcu in php5.5 or later), php.ini edits, server edits.

Security and Hardening

resource links