h1. Mapping Solutions +Open Source Mapping fundamentals+ * "PostGIS":http://postgis.net/ (and "also":http://postgis.org/) ** Library that enables GIS data type support for PostgreSQL. Basically just need to install it. * "GeoServer":http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Welcome ** Server that is built with "Maven among other tools":http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/developer/tools.html#tools. Once this is installed, it shouldn't require too much configuration unless it becomes the main place where data layers are created. Both are a part of the "OSGeo":http://www.osgeo.org/ supported suite, which is worth investigating for other solutions. +Mapping application suites+ * "Cartaro":http://cartaro.org/ ** "Is packaged as a Drupal profile":https://drupal.org/project/cartaro but the requirements need wheezy, not squeeze. "Requires PostGIS and GeoServer to be installed":http://cartaro.org/documentation/installation. ** Documentation for "getting started":http://cartaro.org/documentation/getting-started. * "OpenGeo":http://opengeo.org/ ** This is a branded packaging of the open source tools PostGIS, GeoServer,"GeoWebCache":http://geowebcache.org/, "Openlayers":http://www.openlayers.org/ and "GeoExt":http://geoext.org/ ** Need to register to download a copy. Since everything is open source, using the branded version doesn't necessarily make sense unless their plan offers support and/or trainings, and they're needed. * "Leaflet":http://leafletjs.com/ ** Driven by Javascript libraries that can (and should) be downloaded and hosted on the site where the map is. ** "The quick start tutorial":http://leafletjs.com/examples/quick-start.html goes through the basics pretty quickly. ** Has "a robust API":http://leafletjs.com/reference.html and "notably diverse plugins":http://leafletjs.com/plugins.html. +Data collection apps primarily geared toward humanitarian efforts+ * "ActivityInfo":http://about.activityinfo.org/ ** Specifically for humanitarian data collection and analysis. ** Requires "Tomcat and some non-default MySQL configuration for installation":http://about.activityinfo.org/server/manual-installation/. * "Ushahidi":http://www.ushahidi.com/ ** A packaged suite of tools for generating maps and reports. Can handle multiple data sources. ** Only "a few of the Apache libraries":https://wiki.ushahidi.com/display/WIKI/Installing+the+Ushahidi+Platform could be non-standard. * "Hope One Source":http://www.hopeonesource.org/team ** A beta software as service mapping solution that integrates with SMS. * "StandByTaskForce":http://blog.standbytaskforce.com/ ** An organization that trains digital volunteers to assist with efforts at mapping during crises.