Updated over 2 years ago by
Angel Pleasant
IT Managed Service changelog
- v1.9, 8/31/2022
- Cover page added
- Section 1.e Increasing rate for off-hours, off-contract work and adding a 1 hour minimum
- Section 1.f Requiring (5) day notice for user on-boardings
- Section 5.1.c Updated to reference Windows 10+
- Section 5.1.i-j Contract reflects clients with a fully remote office and non-fully remote office. Specifies WPA2 encryption or better for in-office routers.
- Section 5.1.k Added k requiring new clients to have a computer management system either Jumpcoud, Office365, Mosyle MDM, OR Active Directory (in office).
- Section 5.2 Outlined an explicit on-boarding phase to bring client environments to minimum standards for service with expectation that projects to on-board clients to new systems will be billed at our sliding scale hourly rate.
- Appendix A.2 Changed minimum response time for urgent incidents from 30 minutes to 120 minutes, and to non-critical 12 hours or next business day.
- Appendix A.4 Updated time frame for non-urgent issues. An issue requiring 30 minutes or fewer to resolve be completed within 72 hours of the incident being reported.
- Appendix B Added Section under "Networks"; "Manage DNS Changes for SaaS / On-Prem Software | As needed | YES"
- Appendix C Modified List from dot notation to numbered notation to make contract changes easier to read going forward
- Appendix C Updated to reference Microsoft Office (2016 and later)
- Appendix C Changed Skype to Zoom
- Appendix C Added Google Meet
- Appendix C Added Teams
- Appendix D Removed "Manage Cell/PDA
- v1.8, 9/14/20
- Modified section 13. Term: contract changes that cannot be made unilaterally must be written and signed by both parties; and section 11. Amendments: named Sections may be unilaterally amended at any time.
- v1.6, 2/14/20
- Modified section 12. Holidays - added May 1
- v1.5, 8/9/19
- Modified section 1.e.ii Maintenance - Windows 7 and/or any computer manufactured before January 1, 2014 - $ .5x monthly
- Modified section 1.e.iii Maintenance Discount – Workstations running Mac OS 10.12+ or Windows 8+ with a date of manufacture within 5 years of the start date of this contract receive a monthly maintenance discount of $10.
- Modified section 5.a All Servers with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems must be running Windows 2016 Server or later, and have all of the latest Microsoft Service Packs and Critical Updates installed.
- Modified section 5.c. All Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems must be running Windows 8 or later, and have all of the latest Microsoft Service Packs and Critical Updates installed.
- Modified section 5.d. All Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops with Apple OS X Operating Systems must be running OS X 10.12 Sierra or later, and have all of the latest system updates installed.
- Modified section 11.c. The latest version of this contract, and a list of historical changes, will always be available at https://redmine.palantetech.coop/projects/commons/wiki/
- Modified Appendix B, Service Rates row 8, column 2: $.5x/month (Windows 7, or any computer manufactured before 1/1/2014 )
$.5x - $10/month (manufactured on or after 1/1/2014 running Mac OS 10.12+ or Windows 8+ )
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 1: Windows (8 and later)
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 2: Mac OS (10.12 and later)
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 7: Adobe Creative Suite (CS6 and later)
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 8: Ccleaner
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 9: ClassicShell
- Adding Appendix C, bullet point 10: Foxit
- Adding Appendix C, bullet point 15: Keepass
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 16: Microsoft Edge
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 17: Microsoft Office (2010 and later)
- Adding Appendix C, bullet point 22: Nextcloud
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 25: Quicktime Player
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 26: Revo Uninstaller
- Adding Appendix C, bullet point 28: VLC
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 29: Windows Live Messenger
- Removed Appendix C, bullet point 30: Windows Media Player
- Added Appendix C, bullet point 13: HTTPSEverywhere
- v1.4, 3/14/17
- Modified section 5.c All Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems must be running Windows 7 or later, and have all of the latest Microsoft Service Packs and Critical Updates installed.
- Modified section 5.d All Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops with Apple OS X Operating Systems must be running OS X 10.10 Yosemite or later, and have all of the latest system updates installed.
- Modified section 5.j There must be an outside IP address assigned to a network device, allowing SSH, RDP, or VPN access.
- Modified Appendix B, General row 2, column 2: Nightly
- Modified Appendix B, General row 3, column 2: Ongoing
- Removed Appendix B, Servers row 17: Install and maintain SearchBlox Ongoing YES
- Combined Appendix B, Security row 2 and row 3: Confirm that antimalware updates have occurred As needed YES
- Modified Appendix C, bullet point 3: Mac OS (10.10 and later)
- v1.3, 4/26/16:
- Modified section 1.d.i: Remote services: Between the hours of 10 am-6 pm, exclusive of Holidays, non-urgent repair and/or troubleshooting or any type of systems support is complementary for the first 2 hours. Any additional shall be billed at the rate of $XX hourly.
- Modified section 1.d.ii: ii. On-site services: Between the hours of 10 am-6 pm, exclusive of Holidays, the fee schedule shall be the same as for remote services, above.
- Modified section 1.d.iv: After 6pm, on weekends or Holidays, Consultant shall make a service call subject to availability and the fee shall be 150% the hourly rate.
- Modified section 1.e.iii: Maintenance Discount – Workstations running Mac OS 10.9+ or Windows 7+ with a date of manufacture within 5 years of the start date of this contract receive a monthly maintenance discount of $10.
- Modified section 3: Coverage
Remote help desk and management of Client’s IT networks for all items listed in Appendix B will be provided to the Client by Consultants between the hours of 10 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays. Network Monitoring Services will be provided 24/7/365. Hardware costs are excluded from this Agreement.
- Modified section 3.a: Appendix A governs the procedures of Client’s initiation and Consultant’s response to Client’s service requests. Consultants will apply best efforts to Client’s service requests made after hours or on Holidays. Trouble Tickets must be transmitted to Consultant by email to our Help Desk. If Client’s email is unavailable, then Consultant will accept service requests by phone. Each service request will be assigned a Trouble Ticket number for tracking. Fees for Emergency services performed outside of the hours of 10 am – 6 pm Monday through Friday, or on Holidays, are governed by Paragraph 1, clause d. of this Agreement.
- Modified section 4.c: Monitoring Services
Consultants will provide ongoing monitoring and security services of all critical devices as indicated in Appendix B. Consultants will document critical alerts, scans and event resolutions to Client. Should a problem be discovered during monitoring, Consultants shall make every attempt to rectify the condition in a timely manner through remote means.
- Modified section 5.a: All Servers with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems must be running Windows 2008 Server or later, and have all of the latest Microsoft Service Packs and Critical Updates installed.
- Modified section 5.d: All Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops with Apple OS X Operating Systems must be running OS X 10.9 Mavericks or later, and have all of the latest system updates installed.
- Added section 12: Holidays: Holidays are defined as all Federal Holidays and the day after Thanksgiving.
- Modified Appendix B, Service Rates column 2: First 2 hours per incident INCLUDED, $x /hour after 2 hours
- v1.2, 6/25/15:
- Removed section 5i. The environment must have a router that can be monitored, administered remotely, and support NetFlow/rFlow.
- Removed Appendix B, Networks row 3: Monitor DSU/TSU, switches, hubs and internet connectivity, and make sure everything is operational (available for SNMP manageable devices only)
- Added section 5k. All Servers, Desktop PC’s and Notebooks/Laptops must have currently licensed, up to date and Vendor or developer Supported remote access software, allowing Consultants access.
- v1.1, 2/16/15: First online version.