h1. How to Enable Private Browsing Private browsing is a way of using your web browser such that it doesn't leave a trace on the computer of any of the sites you visited. While this isn't an effective way to be anonymous on the Internet (see "Private Browsing Myths":http://privatebrowsingmyths.com/), it's often helpful if you want to see what your website looks like to anonymous visitors. To enable private browsing, please find your web browser below and click the link - or use the keyboard shortcut provided. "Firefox":https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/private-browsing-browse-web-without-saving-info#w_how-do-i-open-a-new-private-window (Ctrl-Shift-P on Windows, Command-Option-P on Mac) "Chrome":https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95464?hl=en (Ctrl-Shift-N on Windows, Command-Shift-N on Mac) "Safari":http://www.imore.com/how-use-private-browsing-safari-os-x-yosemite (Command-Shift-N on Mac) "Internet Explorer":http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/products/ie-9/features/in-private (Ctrl-Shift-P) Sigh - I couldn't find this page beforehand when I looked, but I just found this: http://www.wikihow.com/Activate-Incognito-Mode