Updated about 4 years ago by Jamila Khan

Debian 9 to 10

Update sources list

check which sources exist that point to stretch

cd /etc/apt
grep -nr stretch .

Edit the main list, and any others that come up

vim /etc/apt/sources.list

Upgrade the system

Check for Necessary Disk Space

apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade

Update the sources

apt-get update

Minimal Upgrade

 apt-get upgrade

Full Upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade

Upgrade MySQL databases (if MySQL/MariaDB installed)


Common problems


mysql backup checking

Newest version of mariadb doesn't have separate databases for information schema or performance schema, so remove the old backups of those.

cd /var/backups/mysql/sqldump
rm information_schema.sql.gz
rm performance_schema.sql.gz