Updated over 2 years ago by Jamila Khan

Debian 10 to 11

Pre update check

Stretch check

Check if any sources still point to stretch

cd /etc/apt
grep -nr stretch .

If so, bring those up to buster and run updates first

Metapackage check

Check to make sure kernel metapackage is installed, not just specific kernel

dpkg -l "linux-image*" | grep ^ii | grep -i meta should have results
If not, install metapackage

Purged package check

List and purge removed packages with config files remaining

aptitude search '~c'
aptitude purge '~c'

Hold check

These commands should have no results

aptitude search "~ahold" 
dpkg --get-selections | grep 'hold$'

Update sources list

Check which sources exist that point to buster

cd /etc/apt
grep -nr buster .

Edit the main list, and any others that come up

vim /etc/apt/sources.list

replace buster with bullseye


replace bullseye/updates with bullseye-security



Upgrade the system

Update the sources

apt-get update

Check for Necessary Disk Space

apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade

Minimal Upgrade

 apt-get upgrade

Full Upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade

Change configs during full upgrade?

package change configs
nrpe no
sudoers no
journald no
backupninja no
nginx yes but recheck after
redis yes but recheck after
sshd_config yes
glibc yes

Upgrade MySQL databases (if MySQL/MariaDB installed)


Check that things are up

Check what packages were removed

Common problems
