h1. Amazon SES for CiviCRM If you're visiting this page and distressed by its incompleteness - rest assured that we HAVE successfully set up Amazon SES on EC2 for a client. However, we didn't document it - this page is to capture the documentation from setting up SES in January 2015 for a new client. _Pre-requisites: DNS access_ * Have client sign up for Amazon AWS, which involves credit cards, identity verification, etc. * Ideally, have them click on "SES" at the AWS console, to do the phone verification. * Log onto AWS, select SES. Note that you only have sandbox access at this time. * Click on "SMTP Settings" on the left, record the server info, generate SMTP credentials and record those too. * Click on "Verified Senders: Domains". Click "Verify a new Domain". Enter the client's domain name; also click "Generate DKIM settings". * Download these credentials, don't just copy/paste from the screen, because they tend to get cut off. * Update the DNS with the verification credentials. ** *NOTE: This will likely take several hours, even after DNS has propagated.* * Also add your own e-mail address the the verified sender - email address list. This just requires receiving a verification email.